Issue #2 is the first “real” print edition of Nanoze in its current print format. It coincided with the opening of Nanooze the Exhibit, and interactive nanotechnology exhibit highlighting major concepts in Nanotechnology. Nanooze the Exhibit is now on display at Walt Disney World in Atlanta.
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View Issue #2 as electronic book (flippable pages).
As always, you may request classroom packs (of 30) of any (or all) print editions of Nanooze. They are distributed free of charge to US public and private schools as well as selected University and museum programs.
“Get Nano” covers a variety of nanotechnology topics including:
- Nanooze, the Exhibit
- An interview with Don Eigler, a guy who can individual move atoms at will !
- Four important facts about Nanotechnology
- Stretching DNA
- Carbon Nanotubes and Cancer
- Quantum Dots and Solar Cells